It's seven in the afternoon, January, subzero Luxembourgish temperatures and I just keep walking and walking towards a remote gas station where, no wonder, buses wouldn't reach. - I want these plastic recycling bags, I demand after finally making it. - Only if you have the QR code, they challenge back. - I do! I even passed the test! - OK, scan it here, we will give your bags, they succumb, defeated. Yes, you need to have your plastic waste in specific Luxembourgish bags so that the garbage collector will take a look at them. And, no, these won't be carried outside of the building by whoever does that for the 'normal' bins. YOU have to do it yourself every second Friday because, NO, we don't pick up plastic every week so that YOU will have to live with your plastic garbage for two weeks (or you can avoid all this hassle and just not recycle plastic and save everyone's time?, I hear them saying) Fast backwards five years, Austria, the Hausmeister is showing m