Monday, June 13, 2022

Wisdom tooth removal : A survival guide

  1. First of all, if you don't have any pain or issue, just don't remove it - regardless of what your dentist is telling.
  2. Do keep in mind that dentists are wannabe doctors who didn't study hard enough to enter the 'real' medical school - don't trust them too much.
  3. Do mention to the dentist that you liked his strong google map reviews (he would like to keep these as is after your case too)
  4. Never agree to an appointment close to the dentist's lunch break - if he is late then he might speed up your operation (with potential disastrous results for your teeth)
  5. If you see the dentist rushing like a madman while removing the tooth, don't shy away from telling him to take it easy (remember the failed wannabe doctor point above - not that all doctors are better than that anyway)
  6. Your main danger is that the wound is not going to close. Ask for stitches or even better a dissolvable silver gel - agree that before getting the tooth removed.
  7. Do take with you a couple of extra cottons to stop the bleeding before leaving the practice (don't listen to the dentist even if he tells you that it's going to stop in a few minutes and you don't need anything)
  8. Do not rinse at all the area of the removal (regardless of what internet is telling)
  9. If bleeding, pain etc persists or, even worse, you even start having fever then probably you have a 'dry socket': means that the hole is not closed.
  10. You do need antibiotcs to cope with that (there are dentists that don't even know that)
  11. Not any antibiotics though - don't just go to the hospital to get anything prescribed (keflex doesn't work). Just find a good dentist to give you a strong generic medicne.
  12. A potential solution a dentist will suggest will be to just attack the area, cause as much bleeding as possible, and hope that blood  will eventually stick around there and close the wound. Try it but if you reach the point of feeling strong pain in your jaw because of overattacking just refuse it (again, remember the failed doctor principle)
  13. Do take a few days off if you get the dry socket (it is an extremely annoying and painful situation)
  14. Don't go to the gym until it's perfectly fine - or, at least, don't do running or push too much.
  15. In general, give the issue a very high priority - it's going to trouble you even longer if you don't do so.